Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 4, 2013 - Putting on the Roof

It was a beautiful day to set the concrete blocks for the custodial building roof.  The crane kept growing taller and taller, and the process to move thirteen 2,500 pound concrete pads was impressive!  (How many pounds altogether? How many tons?)  Students and staff stopped to watch in awe as the workers secured and guided the pad, and the crane slowly lifted and placed them, one by one, on the top of the building.  Luckily, there was very little wind; can you imagine a block like that swaying in the breeze? Scary, I'm sure!

The crane sets up in our parking lot.  The trailers with the concrete pads arrived before 9:00 a.m.

The crane kept getting taller and taller!  It's a good thing they stabilized it so it wouldn't topple over!

It really takes teamwork to complete every part of the project!  

I tried to get the whole machine in, but it was too tall!

Lowering a concrete pad for the roof of the custodial building

The work is done, and they lower the extension.

. . . and at 12:30, the crane is ready to leave our campus.  

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