Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15, 2014 - Pre-Spring Break

As I watch the progress of our construction project, I realize that if all goes according to plan, we should be moving into the new administration building in 3 months or less!  Being so close to the project has made me very appreciative of everyone's efforts to keep the project going and to hopefully meet the first deadline - June 2014!  This week is Spring Break, and the workers will be completing the sewer line and working on the fire lane to minimize the impact on the school (cutting the concrete, digging to lay pipes, etc.)

Here are a few photos taken this week which show the progress of the classroom buildings.  Work continues on the interior of the administration building.

Working on the final pour (for now) for the classroom building

I got to go closer to the classroom building to take this photo.  This is a different angle from the side closer to the basketball court.

A wider view of the classroom building; this is the bottom floor (there will be two floors when the building is completd).

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