Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016

School year 2015-2016 ends on May 26, and summer break will begin. By then, most of the project will be completed. The windows for the library won't be here until June, but hopefully, we can get them installed and the rest of the library media center can be finished. Until then, work continues in the library media/student support center and the covered play court.

Here are some updated photos of the work that is being done.

Workers are installing the translucent windows in the covered play court.
This is the view from the inside of the play court. The translucent windows let light in. 
Workers removed the black barriers in the hallway between buildings A/B/C and D/E.  I'm sure our parents appreciate being able to push their strollers down the hallway without feeling cramped.
Workers are starting on laying the tile flooring on the bottom floor of the library media/ student support center. After that, they'll be installing the permanent stairs. Then we can start to move boxes into the rooms but we cannot occupy them until everything is finished and we have the Certificate of Occupancy.
The lawn fronting O-building is looking better; we need to keep the grass short so the weeds can be kept under control. This is where we will have our May Day program on May 13.
The supports for the covered walkway were removed. There is one more area that needs to be completed; the covered walkway will go all the way to the cafeteria.

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