Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9, 2013

Several teachers have come by this week and commented about how amazed they are at all the work that has already been done.  We know this is just the preliminary phase and that when the actual construction begins, there will be lots more workers on campus.  For now, though, things are going well.  Here are a few photos from today.

I really must find out the names of all these machines!  Today, when I  arrived at school,  this machine was already busy at work, digging along the fence.
You can see the trench that is being dug as well as a huge rock which was excavated.  Workers are digging this trench to lay down pipes for the water to the new buildings.  Until the pipes are laid and covered up, workers cannot start on the new administration building.  
The fire alarm system has to be disconnected before P12 and P13  can be moved to their new location.  The fire alarm company plans to do that on Thursday.  Next Monday, if all goes well, the PE storage bin will be moved.  P12 and P13 should be relocated by Wednesday of next week.  This will give the custodians time to thoroughly clean those rooms and then move the furniture, equipment, and instructional materials back in.

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